Panagiotis Christou has completed his studies in the School of Mechanical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) from 2005 to 2010. In his diploma thesis in the Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants of the Thermal Engineering Sector, he has developed a simulation model and a business plan for a cogeneration unit of electricity and thermal power consisting of a microturbine and solid oxide fuel cells. After serving his military service at the Air Force Headquarters of Cyprus in Nicosia, he started his postgraduate studies (Master of Science in Power Engineering) in the School of Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), which he finished after an internship and a master thesis in the area of Selective Laser Sintering (3D Printing), in cooperation with BMW. In 2014 he made his first steps as Design Leader in the automotive industry of Germany, starting from Plastic Omnium, one of the biggest automotive suppliers for plastic components. Since 2017 he has been working at BMW, having acquired technical experience in the fields of Research & Development, Supplier Management, Quality, Production, Tender, Purchasing, Budget Planning, Financial Controlling as well as in the development of soft skills like team leading, negotiating, assertiveness, effective communication, problem solving, time management, adaptability & growth mindset. In the last years, he has been involved in the supply chain management, where he is responsible for the strategy & steering (KPI, management reporting) of the overseas supply at BMW. He is also a Ph.D. candidate in the Sector of Industrial Management & Operational Research of the NTUA in the Industrial Engineering Laboratory, where he conducts research in the operation of supply centers through digital twins και blockchain technology.
E-mail: panagiotis_christou@mail.ntua.gr
Tel:+30 6948366921