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The Lab

The Industrial Engineering Laboratory (IE Lab NTUA) is an officially established laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens, founded in 1962 and falls under the Sector Industrial Engineering & Research, School of Mechanical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). IE Lab NTUA is active in European funded research projects, while also being a key partner of Greek industrial enterprises for many organization, administration, production and operational activities. In addition, the Industrial Engineering Laboratory serves as the link between academic knowledge, taught at the School of Mechanical Engineering of the NTUA, and their practical application in leading industrial enterprises. IE Lab NTUA supports the deployment, the realization and the growth of the research priorities of NTUA mainly through seeking, pursuing and acquiring research funding via the competitive calls for research proposals that the European Commission had instigated. IE Lab NTUA provides research opportunities to postgraduate students and post-doctoral researchers to conduct, in conjunction with the academic staff, state-of-the-art research.

The Laboratory was initially located in the New Buildings of the School of Mechanical Engineering in the building complex of Patission Ave., while in 1997 it was relocated to the building complex of the School of Mechanical Engineering at the Zografou Campus. It has laboratory areas that sum up to a total of ​​250 m^2, equipped with computers,  appropriate software and other equipment to support its activities.

The Laboratory has four research units for the implementation of research and educational work: the Industrial Software Unit, the Production, Operations and Supply Chain Unit, the Energy Logistics Unit and the Environmental Economics and Sustainability Unit.

In terms of educational activities, the Laboratory supports the teaching of the following courses of the Curriculum of the School of Mechanical Engineering and the Athens MBA Postgraduate Program:

  • Operations Research I (3rd semester)

  • Production/Operations Management & Business Administration I (5th semester)

  • Introduction to Marketing (7th semester)

  • Operations Research II (7th semester)

  • Energy Management (7th semester)

  • Management Information Systems in Production (8th semester)

  • Operation and Maintenance Management (8th semester)

  • Production/ Operations Management and Business Administration II (8th semester)

  • Production Planning and Control (9th semester)

  • Digital Transformation & Electronic Business (9th semester)

  • Engineering Economics I (3rd semester)

  • Special Ιssues of Technological Economy (9th semester)

  • Management Information Systems (Postgraduate)

  • Operational Research – Management Science (Postgraduate)

  • Operations Management (Postgraduate)

  • Supply Chain Management (Postgraduate)

  • Decision Support Systems (Postgraduate)

  • Entrepreneurship and Creation of new Entrepreneurial Ventures (Postgraduate)

In recent years, the IE Lab NTUA has successfully implemented important research projects related to cutting-edge technologies, such as: a) the use of Industry 4.0 technologies for gas distribution in Greece and the smart maintenance of the network b) the development of an advanced vehicle routing and deliveries scheduling system utilizing big data for traffic forecasting and operational research routing algorithms, c) the development of an innovative food and beverage traceability platform powered by sensor data via the Internet of Things (IoT) and intelligent non-copyable labels on products while using blockchain for transaction security and validity d) the development of a predictive maintenance system for a large production company.


IE Lab NTUA is in constant collaboration with the other laboratories of the School of Mechanical Engineering for conducting scientific research in cutting-edge technologies but also for their application in solving problems of modern companies and organizations.

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© 2023 by IE Lab NTUA

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