Athanasios Tolis is a Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA, in the Department of Industrial Management & Business Research. He has been teaching in NTUA undergraduate programs since 2003 and in the Athens MBA graduate program (AUEB-NTUA) between 2002-2003. Prof. Tolis is the Head of the Energy Supply Research Unit of IELab. The subjects he teaches are Operations Research I (linear programming, simulation, and network analysis), Operations Research II (non-linear optimization, stochastic mathematical programming, and evolutionary algorithms), Energy Management, as well as Operation and Maintenance Management. He has supervised more than 100 Diploma Theses and Doctoral Theses and is participating in the supervision of more. He has been a member of the Electoral Body in more than 10 judgments at various teaching levels, in some of them as a member of the three-member advisory committee.
He holds a PhD from the School of Mechanical Engineering of the NTUA in the field of Operational Research. He graduated from the School of Mechanical Engineering of NTUA, having followed the course of Aeronautical Engineering. His research interests focus on Optimization (mathematical - stochastic programming and computational algorithms), short- and medium-long-term Power and Energy Mix planning, Energy Resources Management (fuels and biofuels), as well as Energy Systems Optimization and Reliability. He has more than 25 years of professional experience and has actively participated in more than 20 research projects together with public and private organizations in Greece and Europe as well as in collaborations with other University-Research Institutions in the context of various projects.
He has participated in the writing of more than 60 publications in scientific journals, book volumes, and scientific conferences, and he has contributed to the writing of aids and notes (electronic and not) for the courses he teaches.
​E-mail: atol@central.ntua.gr
Tel: +30 2107722385